Carbon Footprint Accounting Report for 2023

Product carbon footprint (Product Carb Footprint,PCF) refers to the sum of greenhouse gas emissions of a product at all stages of its life cycle, I .e. the accumulation of various greenhouse gas emissions from raw material extraction, product production (or service provision), distribution, use to final disposal/recycling. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide (COz), methane (CH), nitrous oxide (N.O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and nitrogen trifluoride (NFJ), among others. The calculation result of the product carbon footprint is the weighted sum of the various greenhouse gas emissions in the product life cycle, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (COze), and the unit is kgCOze or gCOze.



Social Responsibility Report 2023

This report focuses on the company's annual work, reviews the company's active performance of social responsibility while achieving its own development, and truly and objectively reflects the company's performance of social responsibility in production, operation and management activities, and comprehensively interprets the company's understanding and understanding of corporate social responsibility. It is hoped that this report can become a bridge for communication and exchange between the company and all sectors of society, and a window for investors, employees, customers and other parties to understand and recognize the company. At the same time, the company's progress and development will contribute to the harmonious development of society.



Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification Report for 2023

According to the requirements and arrangements of the documents of the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, to provide reliable data quality assurance for the effective implementation of carbon quota issuance and carbon trading, Hebei Junxing Energy Saving Technology Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Junxing Energy Saving") was entrusted by the enterprise to check the 2023 greenhouse gas emission report of Tangshan Xin Kaitai Transportation Machinery Co., Ltd. (name of the verified party, hereinafter referred to as "verified party")



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Xinkai Thai Conveying Machinery